The Team teachable
Белорусская АЭС-2, Беларусь
Moscow Metro, Moscow
ZapSibNeftekhim, Tobolsk
Sberbank Data Centers, Moscow
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBRF), Moscow
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow
Library named after V.I. Lenin, Moscow
Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera), St. Petersburg
Museum-reserve "Kazan Kremlin", Kazan
State Clinical Hospital named after. Botkin (Botkin Hospital), Moscow
Ice Palace, Kemerovo
Multifunctional sports complex "Kuzbass Arena", Kemerovo
Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, Orenburg
House of Government of the Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk
The Team teachable
Belorusskaya NPP-2, Belarus
Moscow Metro, Moscow
ZapSibNeftekhim, Tobolsk
Sberbank Data Centers, Moscow
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBRF), Moscow
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow
Library named after V.I. Lenin, Moscow
Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera), St. Petersburg
Museum-reserve "Kazan Kremlin", Kazan
State Clinical Hospital named after. Botkin (Botkin Hospital), Moscow
Ice Palace, Kemerovo
Multifunctional sports complex "Kuzbass Arena", Kemerovo
Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, Orenburg
House of Government of the Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk
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